ICD 9-10 GEM
ICD-9 |  2018 ICD 9-10 GEM |  2018 i10 Desc |  2018 ICD 9-10 GEM DUP-Codes

TABLE: 2014 i9 Desc

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Records 41 to 60 of 12179
     Records Per Page 
ID (*) i9 (*) i9 Desc (*)
41 0060 Acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess Acute amebiasis
42 0061 Chronic intestinal amebiasis without mention of abscess Chronic: amebiasis amebic dysentery
43 0062 Amebic nondysenteric colitis
44 0063 Amebic liver abscess Hepatic amebiasis
45 0064 Amebic lung abscess Amebic abscess of lung (and liver)
46 0065 Amebic brain abscess Amebic abscess of brain (and liver) (and lung)
47 0066 Amebic skin ulceration Cutaneous amebiasis
48 0068 Amebic infection of other sites Amebic: appendicitis balanitis Ameboma ::[Excludes: specific infections by free-living amebae (136.21- 136-29)
49 0069 Amebiasis, unspecified Amebiasis NOS
50 007 Other protozoal intestinal diseases ::[Includes: protozoal: colitis diarrhea dysentery
51 0070 Balantidiasis Infection by Balantidium coli
52 0071 Giardiasis Infection by Giardia lamblia Lambliasis
53 0072 Coccidiosis Infection by Isospora belli and Isospora hominis Isosporiasis
54 0073 Intestinal trichomoniasis
55 0074 Cryptosporidiosis
56 0075 Cyclosporiasis
57 0078 Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases Amebiasis due to organisms other than Entamoeba histolytica
58 0079 Unspecified protozoal intestinal disease Flagellate diarrhea Protozoal dysentery NOS
59 008 Intestinal infections due to other organisms ::[Includes: any condition classifiable to 009.0-009.3 with mention of the responsible organisms ::[Excludes: food poisoning by these organisms (005.0-005.9)
60 0080 Escherichia coli [E. coli]